Federal Justice Act

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Basic data
Title: Federal Act on the
Organization of the Administration of Federal Justice
Short title: Federal Justice Act
Abbreviation: 1st floor
Type: Federal law
Scope: Switzerland
Legal matter: Constitutional law
legal collection (SR)
Original version from: December 16, 1943
Entry into force on: January 1, 1945
Expiry: December 31, 2006
Please note the note on the applicable legal version.

The Federal Act on the Organization of the Administration of Federal Justice ( Bundesrechtspflegegesetz , OG ; SR 173.110) of December 16, 1943 was a Swiss federal act that regulated the position and organization of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court as well as the procedure before the Federal Supreme Court. It was replaced by the Federal Supreme Court Act on January 1, 2007 .

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