Schwiggenstein Castle

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Schwiggenstein Castle
Alternative name (s): Schwigenstein, let alone stone
Creation time : early middle ages
Castle type : Hilltop castle
Conservation status: Burgstall
Place: Haslach in the Kinzigtal

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The castle Schwiggenstein even Schwigenstein or Geschweigen stone called, is a Outbound medieval hilltop castle on the Schwiggenstein at Haslach in Ortenaukreis in Baden-Wuerttemberg .

"That there was a border castle in the early Middle Ages on the" Schwiggenstein ", also called" Gschweigen Stein ", a rock protruding at the northern foot of the" Urenwald ", can neither be documented nor archaeologically proven."


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Manfred Hildenbrand: The Schwiggenstein . In: Hugo Schneider (Hrsg.): Castles and palaces in Mittelbaden (= Historical Association for Middle Baden [Hrsg.]: The Ortenau: Journal of the Historical Association for Middle Baden . Volume 64 ). Kehl 1984 ( [accessed October 9, 2019]).