Castle freedom

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As Burgfreiheit (also Schlossfreiheit) is one of the walls of a castle referred enclosed residential district.


The citizens of this district enjoyed certain self-government rights and possibly also market rights ; later city ​​law often followed . Until the 18th century, castle freedom remained a legal form of settlements or individual buildings in the vicinity of residences . In the respective districts mainly court servants and nobles lived. It is comparable to the current status of embassies or international organizations .

Rights and freedoms

The castle freedoms lay outside the jurisdiction of the city council or mayor and were therefore not subject to the city administration, police and jurisdiction, but to the court court . With their domestic concerns (e.g. building permits and road repairs), the residents were able to contact the sovereign or the official commissioned by him directly and did not have to go to a local council. Taxes and duties were regulated differently or were completely eliminated. Holders of the castle feud had ... the privilege of being exempt from all city burdens and taxes. Anyone who wanted to settle within the castle freedom required the permission of the sovereign.

Occurrence (selection)

There were castle freedoms in Königsberg , Raesfeld and Blankenstein, among others .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Lock freedom