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The court rule is a historical term for the right of landlords , court to keep. The person who had this right was called the judge or judge. With the basic rule of the authority was originally the case law for smaller offenses connected and in actions of good and money.

The lord exercised disciplinary power over those dependent on him. He also had the protective power ( Munt ) over the free persons under him (relatives, servants and free servants ). The Munt is on the one hand master violence (including judicial) and on the other hand protection in the sense of physical protection, but above all legal protection.

In the event of a dispute between members of the landlord's staff association, a non-public court (a so-called court court; previously also Hofgeding or Hofgedinge ) or a public court could be involved. The non-public court level initially only concerned the lower jurisdiction for small cases. The public courts were subordinate to a count and were responsible beyond the lower jurisdiction for high or blood jurisdiction, i.e. for the larger cases.

The originally non- state justice of the landlords was later elevated to the rank of state function.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. Keyword court rule in: Johann Georg Krünitz: Economic Encyclopedia or general system of state, city, house and agriculture 1773 to 1858 here online
  2. ^ Anne-Marie Dubler : Dominion rights - 1.2: Basic and judicial rule. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . November 9, 2006 , accessed June 6, 2019 .