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The bush was a counting measure. It was assigned a different number of items regionally and depending on the goods to be counted.

  • In the monetary system until 1820/1821 in Aachen one mark or weever was equal to 6 bushes that had 24 hellers . These copper coins were also called bausch . The first with an eagle on the front and the value on the back have been known since 1597. The value was one or two “B” for bushes. Four Heller values ​​were common from 1604 and 12 Hellers from 1757. Until 1798 the bush was coined in very large quantities.
  • In Vienna 1 bush of leather was equal to 10 skins .
  • In Bavaria the measure in the trade in yarn - strands was 30 strands (passauer).
  • A bush of reeds was a bundle or tuft of 80 stems. These were about nine to ten feet in length.
  • Clapboards were also sold after the bush. Two bushes were a box . A box was defined as follows: Scharschindel were laid in 64 layers of 4 or 5 pieces, with pipe shingles there were 84 layers with only 3 to 4 pieces.
  • The bushel of barrel hoops for salt barrels was 120 pieces.


  • Samuel Ricard, Thomas Heinrich Gadebusch: Handbook of the merchants: or general overview and description. Volume 2, Anton Ferdinand Röse, Greifswald 1784
  • Johann Michael Leuchs: The office science 3rd part: The complete money, coin, measure and weight. Volume 3, Verlag E. Leuchs and Komp., Nuremberg 1834

Individual evidence

  1. M. Mendelssohn: Handbook of coin, measure and weight, taking into account the new coin and weight system, with detailed reduction tables. Horvarth'sche Buchhandlung, Potsdam 1859, p. 1
  2. Georg Thomas Flügel: Course slip continued as a manual for coin, measure, weight and Customs. Publisher LF Huber Verlag der Jäger'schen Buch-, Papier- und Landkartenhandlung, Frankfurt am Main 1859, p. 318
  3. Phillipp Bopp: The Hessian Secretary: a practical manual and auxiliary book. Kommissionsverlag GW Küchler, Darmstadt 1861, p. 364
  4. Anton wax: Charitable Baurat donors for all labor and material calculations in the building trade. Friedrich Lempsky, Prague 1863, p. 213
  5. ^ A b Johann Andreas Schmeller: Bavarian Dictionary. Volume 1, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH, Munich 2008, pp. 173, 299, 676, ISBN 978-3-486-58520-9

Web links

Wiktionary: Buschen  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations