Business Intelligence Competency Center

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A Business Intelligence Competence Center ( English for example competence center for business analytics , abbreviation BICC ) is a cross-functional team within an organization. It takes on tasks, roles, responsibilities and processes to support and promote the effective application of Business Intelligence (BI) within an organization.

The IT consultancy Gartner Inc. advocated in 2003 that companies need such a BICC in order to be able to use business intelligence. The concept has since continued to improve with hands-on introductions to organizations that have implemented BI and analytical software.

In practice, the term “BICC” is not well integrated into the nomenclature of organizations in the business and public sector and there are also major differences in the organizational structure for BICCs.

The BICC concept leads to the formation of units that mainly ensure that information is used for decision-making using the BI software and that the ROI is increased through an investment in BI.

A BICC coordinates activities and resources. This is to ensure that a factual approach to decision-making is systematically implemented throughout an organization. It is responsible for the governance structure for BI as well as analytical programs, projects, practices, software, and architecture. Accordingly, plans, priorities, infrastructure and competencies are created, which the organization needs to make forward-looking strategic decisions using BI and analytical software applications.

The influence of a BICC goes far beyond the typical business areas and therefore plays an extremely important central role in the organizational and strategic process flow. The aim of the BICC is therefore to empower the entire organization to coordinate BI from all departments. By centralizing "... it ensures that information and best practices are communicated and shared across the organization so that everyone can benefit from successes and lessons learned."

The BICC also plays an important organizational role in promoting the interaction of different cultures and units within an organization. Its main mission is imparting knowledge, improving analytical skills, tutoring and training. A BICC should therefore be a central point of contact to ensure that as much information as possible is consumed and that BI generates added value.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ KH Strange, B. Hostmann: BI Competency Center Is Core to BI Success . Gartner Research, July 22, 2003.
  2. ^ G. Miller, T. Queisser: The Modern BI Organization . MaxMetrics, Heidelberg 2008.
  3. ^ G. Miller, B. Bräutigam, S. Gerlach: Business Intelligence Competency Centers: A Team Approach to Competitive Advantage . Wiley, Hoboken 2006.