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CODASYL ( Co nference on Da ta Sy stems L anguages ) originated in the United States on 28 and 29 May 1959. a meeting of computer owners in government, military and private sector, as well as computer manufacturers and other interested parties with the purpose of the development of a common language to advise which should work in a compatible manner on computers from different manufacturers.

The first product of CODASYL is the programming language COBOL , a further development of standardized methods for defining the structure ( Data Definition Language ) and processing ( Data Manipulation Language ) from the network database systems , which in this form as CODASYL databases are known to carry the Data Base Task Group (DBTG).

Some CODASYL committees are still working, but CODASYL as such no longer exists; It was officially discontinued in 1998. The archived documents were given to the Charles Babbage Institute for Computer History at the University of Minnesota , USA.

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