Cabildo (disambiguation)

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Cabildo in Spanish means:

  • Cabildo Insular the respective government, administrative and representative body of the seven islands of the Autonomous Community of Canarias (current)
  • Cabildo catedralicio the cathedral chapter of a cathedral in Spain and Latin America (current)
  • Cabildo Institutions of municipal self-government with political, legal and administrative responsibilities in Spain, Latin America and the Philippines (historical)
  • Cabildo Indiano Institution of municipal self-government with political, legal and administrative responsibilities in Latin America (historical)
  • Cabildo the meeting of the members of a (also secular) religious brotherhood (historical)
  • Cabildo de nación religious-cultural association of slaves and former slaves in Latin America, especially on the island of Cuba (historical)
  • Cabildo Abierto is a citizens' assembly that is legally provided for in some Latin American countries (e.g. Colombia) at the local level. (current)
  • Cabildo Abierto del 22 de mayo de 1810 , a public meeting of the Cabildo of Buenos Aires. The event is considered to be the beginning of the May Revolution that led to the establishment of the state of Argentina. (historical)
  • Cabildo de Buenos Aires , building of the former administration facilities in Buenos Aires
  • Cabildo de Montevideo , former administration building in Buenos Aires
  • Cabildo (New Orleans) , former administration building and today's museum in New Orleans