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Calando von ( ital .: calare = to decrease, to sink) is a musical technical term which (often after a fast passage) instructs a simultaneous decrease of tempo and tone strength , thus gradually becoming slower and quieter. The French equivalent of this statement is “en diminuant” .

In general, it is written as a word expression under the corresponding notation system , and the area to which the Calando applies is often indicated by dashes (as in the example below).


In this area from Beethoven's “The Anger Over the Lost Groschen” (Op. 129) the tempo and volume decrease.

Often, instead of calando, “dim. e rall. ”( diminuendo and rallentando ) or something similar. The way it is played, this is identical to the Calando.


Calando is also the name of a series on ERF radio and television.

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