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Caneca was a measure of volume in different parts of Argentina .

The dimensional chain was

  • 1 pipa = 6 barrils = 24 canecas = 192 frascos = 384 medios = 768 quartos = 1536 octavos
  • 1 barill = 32 Frasco = 76 liters
  • 1 Frasco / bottle = 8 Octavos = 2.375 liters


  • Eduard Döring: Handbook of coin, exchange, measure and weight. J. Hölscher, Koblenz 1854, p. 155.
  • Fr. Silber: The coins, measures and weights of all countries in the world individually calculated according to their values ​​and proportions to all German coins, measures and weights. In addition to information on the trading venues and their billing relationships. Moritz Ruhl, Leipzig 1861, p. 52.