Cantharis paradoxa

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Cantharis paradoxa
Cantharis paradoxa.JPG

Cantharis paradoxa

Family : Soft beetle (Cantharidae)
Subfamily : Cantharinae
Tribe : Cantharini
Genre : Cantharis
Subgenus : Cantharis
Type : Cantharis paradoxa
Scientific name
Cantharis paradoxa
Hicker , 1960
Cantharis paradoxa from the front

Cantharis paradoxa is a species of soft beetle that occurs in south-east and central Europe.


They are 8 to 15 millimeters long, mostly black beetles with a yellowish to orange-red bordered pronotum . The head is as wide as the pronotum due to the protruding eyes and black except for the cheeks, which are yellow up to the antenna bases, except for the tips of the yellow mandibles and palpi , the first two limbs of which are also yellow. The antennae are thin and reach back about the middle of the wing covers. In contrast to the similar species Cantharis liburnica , the second antennae is not widened. The pronotum is wider than it is long, with a smooth rear edge and, compared to the dark fly beetle ( Cantharis obscura ), is significantly rounder at the side edges. The elytra are finely dotted and light, with short hairs. Males can also be distinguished from similar species of the genus by the structure of their genitals . The sexes are colored the same, the females are usually more powerfully built and the males have a strong tooth on the inner front claw.


Cantharis paradoxa occurs in Central Europe from the Benelux countries via Germany , Poland , Austria , Hungary , the Czech Republic , Slovakia , as well as in Italy and the Balkans to Greece . It can be found in forests, bushes, grassy areas and on river banks.



  1. [1] Cantharis. Determination table of the species at Die Käfer Europäische. A reference work on the Internet, edited by Arved Lompe
  2. ^ Distribution according to Fauna Europaea

Web links

Commons : Cantharis paradoxa  - collection of images, videos and audio files