Cao Xing

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Cáo Xìng (Chin. 曹 性 / 曹 性; † 198 ) was a general of Lü Bu at the time of the three kingdoms in ancient China. He was sent out in AD 198 with another General Lü Bus, Gao Shun , against the troops of Warlord Cao Cao . Xiahou Dun , who was Cao Cao's right hand man, defeated Gao Shun in this battle, whereupon Gao Shun had to flee. While Xiahou Dun was pursuing him, Cao Xing shot an arrow at him and hit him in his left eye. Angry Xiahou Dun tore out the arrow and ate the eye open, believing it was his property from birth and no one has the right to take it from him. After doing this, Xiahou Dun rode up to Cao Xing and killed him with the spear.
