Capacitated solder sizing problem

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Models with dynamic lot size determination

The Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problem ( CLSP ) is a model of dynamic lot size planning .

It assumes several products for which there is limited production capacity . It must be determined in which period which lots should be issued and how big they should be. The requirements of the individual periods are assumed to be known. A sequence in which the individual lots are to be produced within the periods is not determined.

In contrast to the Discrete Lot Sizing and Scheduling Problem (DLSP), it is possible to issue several lots in one period. It is therefore more suitable for medium-term planning, while the DLSP is suitable for short-term detailed planning, as it also determines a sequence of the lots.

Description of the model


The CLSP makes the following assumptions:

  • single-stage, multi-product production
  • finite production speed
  • demand that changes over time (dynamic demand)
  • the means of production (machines) are only available for a limited time within the individual periods. The available capacity is generally different in each period
  • for the laying of a batch falling fixed set-up costs of
  • the storage costs are proportional to the quantity stored
  • finite planning period

Mathematical description

A mathematical description looks like this:


  • Requirement of product j = 1,2, ..., n in period t = 1,2, ... T. The production quantity of a certain period can be used for satisfaction in that period.
  • Manufacturing speed
  • fixed setup costs per setup process
  • Storage cost rate for the products still in stock at the end of a period
  • Capacity in period t
  • Capacity requirement to produce a unit of measure of product j


  • is equal to 1 if the product is manufactured in period t and 0 if not
  • Inventory of product j at the end of period t
  • Lot size of product j in period t

Objective function:

under the constraints

"Inventory balance equation"

ensures that the lot size is only included in the calculation when a lot is placed.

It differs from the well-known Wagner-Whitin model in that it includes several products, limited production capacity and finite production speed. The CLSP is one of the NP-hard problems and can be solved precisely using branch-and-bound algorithms. There are also heuristics .

Individual evidence

  1. Domschke, Scholl, Voss: Production planning: process organizational aspects . 2nd edition, Springer, Berlin, 1997, p. 133.
  2. Domschke, Scholl, Voss: Production planning: process organizational aspects . 2nd edition, Springer, Berlin, 1997, p. 134.
  3. Domschke, Scholl, Voss: Production planning: process organizational aspects . 2nd edition, Springer, Berlin, 1997, pp. 133-146.