Carillon Klaipeda

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The Carillon Klaipėda is a carillon in the port city of Klaipėda , the third largest city in Lithuania . It has 48 bells, which were made in 2006 by Royal Eijsbauts in the Netherlands . The largest bell (f1) weighs 903 kg and the smallest (f5) 10 kg.


The Klaipėda carillon was first installed in 1987 in the tower of the city's central post office, built in 1893. The project author was Peter Schilling. The old carillon was made in Apolda . The largest bell ( Kristupo ) weighed 900 kg and the smallest 15 kg. The old carillon weighed 6800 kg and with all constructions about 10 tons. The decorator of the bells (based on the design by A. Kliševičius) was H. Erling from Weimar .


  • Stanislovas Žilevičius. Klaipėdos karilionas. Visuotinė lietuvių enciklopedija , T. X (Khmerai Krelle). - Vilnius: Mokslo ir enciklopedijų Leidybos institutas, 2006. 820 psl.

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