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Memorial plaque at 93 rue Lauriston in the 16th arrondissement of Paris in honor of the victims of the French Gestapo . After construction work was completed in April 2014, the memorial plaque was replaced with a new one, which now only says “Hommage aux héros de la Resistance 1940–1944”.

Carlingue , also French Gestapo (French Gestapo française or Gestapo - Bande de la Rue Lauriston ), was the short name for the French auxiliaries of the Gestapo .

From 1941 to 1944, Carlingue's headquarters were located at 93 rue Lauriston in Paris . The organization was headed by former police officer Pierre Bonny and Henri Chamberlin (known as Lafont ), who had several criminal records , and included professional criminals such as Pierre Loutrel (also known as Pierrot le fou ). The figures for the members of the organization range from 6,000 to 32,000 employees, depending on the source. Members of the Carlingue supported German occupation troops in January and February 1944 as members of the paramilitary Légion Nord-Afrikaine (LNA) under Alexandre Villaplane in German uniforms in the fighting against French underground fighters in the area around Tulle .

Many Carlingue members were arrested during the Liberation, sentenced to death and executed in 1945 . After 1945, the former Carlingue member Georges Boucheseiche († 1967 in Morocco ) made a career in the French foreign secret service Service de Documentation Extérieur et de Contre-Espionage .

Famous members



  • Jacques Delarue: Trafics et crimes sous l'Occupation (= Livre de Poche). Fayard, Paris 1968, OCLC 1171304500 . New edition: Pluriel, Paris, 2013, ISBN 978-2-8185-0326-3 .
  • Philippe Aziz: Tu trahiras sans vergogne, histoire de deux “collabos”, Bonny et Lafont . Fayard, Paris 1970, OCLC 641486109
  • Philippe Aziz: Au service de l'ennemi: la gestapo française en Province. Fayard, Paris 1972, OCLC 1001517521 .
  • Philippe Aziz: Le livre noir de la trahison: Histoires de la Gestapo en France . Ramsay, Paris 1984, ISBN 978-2-85956-359-2 .
  • Serge Jacquemard: La Bande Bonny-Lafont . Scènes de crimes, Vésenaz 2007, ISBN 978-2-940349-47-0 (first published by Fleuve noir , Paris 1993).
  • Martyn Cornick, Peter Morris: The French secret services , chapter The Second World War (= International Organizations Series, 6). ABC-Clio Inc, New Jersey 1993, ISBN 978-1-85109-146-1 , pp. 42-73.
  • Jean-François Miniac: Les nouvelles affaires criminelles de l'Orne. Editions De Borée, Paris 2009, ISBN 978-2-84494-959-2 (via Carlingue member Roger Griveau).



  • In his feature film Lacombe, Lucien (1974), Louis Malle tells the story of a young person who became a member of Carlingue in 1944, based on a script by Patrick Modiano .
  • Under the title 93, rue Lauriston , a television film was broadcast on Canal + on December 14, 2004 (repeated on September 26, 2006 on France 2 ), which dealt in a fictional manner with the activities of the Gestapo française , in which the historical figures were also shown like Lafont and Bonny perform.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "In honor of the resistance fighters who were tortured in this house by French aid agents of the Gestapo from the Bonny-Lafont group during the occupation from 1940–1944".
  2. ^ Stefan Martens, Maurice Vaïsse ( German Historical Institute, Paris ): France and Germany at War (November 1942 - Autumn 1944) (= Paris historical studies; 55). Bouvier, Bonn 2000, ISBN 978-3-416-02908-7 , S. 882.
    Patrick Modiano : A family tree . Hanser, Munich 2014, ISBN 978-3-423-14435-3 , p. 49, with reference to Henri Lafont.
  3. Jean Monange: Un du 93 rue Lauriston. In: April 1, 2005, accessed August 18, 2020 (French).
  4. The Mafia in France (1/3) (1): An invisible power emerges 1929 - 1945. In: Archived from the original on February 7, 2017 ; accessed on August 18, 2020 .
  5. Dominique Natanson: Que sont-ils devenus? Le sort de 1,178 criminels nazis, complices et collaborateurs dont Bonny, Lafont. In: October 7, 2015, accessed on August 18, 2020 (French).
  6. Maurice Rajsfus: La Police de Vichy. Les forces de l'ordre françaises au service de la Gestapo. 1940/1944. Le Cherche Midi éditeur, Paris 1995, ISBN 978-2-86274-358-5 , p. 51.
  7. René Backmann: Les truands au service du pouvoir. In: Le Nouvel Observateur 418. November 13, 1972, accessed on August 18, 2020 (French). René Backmann: Les truands au service du pouvoir II. In: Le Nouvel Observateur 418. November 13, 1972, accessed on August 18, 2020 (French).
  8. The figure of "khédive" has features from Henri Lafont and that of "Philibert" from Pierre Bonny . The “Büro 3bis, square Cimarosa” in the novel is modeled on 93, rue Lauriston, where Lafont and Bonny had set up their offices so that they could torture prisoners in the courtyard and in the basement without being noticed by the neighborhood.