Catia Graphical Representation

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CGR stands for CATIA Graphical Representation . This is a CAD data format that is often used for the CAD program CATIA in the digital mock-up (DMU) context. The Catia modules DMU Navigator , DMU Space Analysis , DMU Fitting Simulator , DMU Kinematics Simulator and DMU Optimizer can use CGR files.


  • CGR files load faster.
  • CGR files require only 10% of the storage space of the CATIA .Model document, which is based on the construction components.
  • The complexity of the CGR files is less.


  • Constructions cannot be created with CGR files because construction conditions are not supported by the file format.
  • Relationships between objects cannot be established because they are based on construction components.
  • No connections can be created because connections are based on construction conditions.

See also