Digital mock-up

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The term digital mock-up (DMU) or digital test model (D-VM) refers to a realistic, computer-generated test model that is mainly used to replace part of the very expensive, real product testing with computer simulations .


DMU models are common, purely geometric CAD models in which the geometric volumes are supplemented or expanded with physical material parameters and further metadata of the planned product parts so that the resulting data set is suitable for use in computer-aided physical simulations or generally for data processing .

The goals of the DMU are to replace physical test models ( Physical Mock-Up - PMU) and to provide different, up-to-date and consistent perspectives on the shape and function of a product.


The idea of ​​the DMU arose from the considerations of how one could replace the costly and time-consuming physical test vehicle (PMU) with the aid of computer support. The aviation industry was the pioneer of this technology. The Boeing 777 was the first product to be described completely digitally and three-dimensionally. With the help of the DMU, ​​the development time could be shortened while reducing changes and errors. In addition, the accuracy of fit of the parts and the systems has been improved. This technology is now also used successfully in automotive and shipbuilding.


The digital mock-up is one of the components of virtual product development (VPE) and product lifecycle management (PLM). This is seen as a holistic approach to coping with time and cost pressures as well as handling the variety of variants. With regard to the coordination, analysis and specification of development results, the VPE offers early, continuous, networked and integrated support. Consequently, a consistent application of DMU methods and processes leads to a reduction in time-to-market, an increase in quality and a minimization of costs.

On the basis of a DMU, ​​a large number of static and dynamic tests such as installation and removal tests, collision tests, packaging, movement tests of flexible components and buildability tests can be carried out. Other areas such as B. CAE / simulation, purchasing, production, marketing and aftersales from a DMU, ​​which means that consistent processes in the sense of PLM are of great importance. In the industry, work is currently increasing on the integration of virtual reality tools into the DMU process. For real checking of the virtual results, there is usually a physical mock-up at the end of a DMU process.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Frank-Lothar Krause, Hans-Joachim Franke, Jürgen Gausemeier (eds.): Innovation potentials in product development , Hanser Verlag 2007, ISBN 978-3446406674 , page 119
  2. ^ The virtual product , Spur / Krause, p. 399