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The Celas is one of the GEMA and the British collecting society founded MCPS-PRS GmbH, Europe's rights of composers , lyricists and publishers awards for musical works. It concentrates exclusively on uses on the Internet such as downloads or ring tones.

The music repertoire for which Celas is currently allowed to grant usage rights currently consists of the Anglo-American repertoire of EMI Music Publishing Ltd. (Reproduction rights) as well as the corresponding 'Communication to the Public Right' (right of access - § 19 a Copyright Act - UrhG), which is exercised on behalf of GEMA and MCPS PRS.

The establishment of Celas has far-reaching effects for all providers of music services on the Internet (e.g. download services or other content providers). Unlike in the traditional sound carrier sector, musical rights of use can no longer only be acquired centrally via a collecting society. The content providers have to purchase different parts of the repertoire individually.

The split is the result of a recommendation by the EU Commission from October 2005, according to which rights holders and commercial users of copyrighted works should be given the opportunity to choose the licensing model of their choice.

The previous practice of European collecting societies, according to which authors can only transfer their rights to their national societies, violates, among other things, the competition rules set out in Article 101 TFEU, in the opinion of the EU Commission. Likewise, it is not in the interests of EU competition if commercial users can only acquire licenses from their national company.

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  1. EU Commission issues recommendation for online music rights ; October 12, 2005