Cenci Schossig

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Cenci Schossig , married Cenci Winds (before 1865 - March 1, 1884 in Obernigk near Breslau) was a German theater actress.


After starting out at the Thalia Theater in Hamburg , she made her debut in Linz at the end of August 1865 and worked at the court theaters in Wiesbaden from 1869 to 1875, Dessau, Oldenburg and most recently at the Stadttheater in Berlin. She represented the profession of naive lovers and salon ladies and was generally considered a very good actress.

She was married to her acting colleague Adolf Winds since 1879 .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ News from Linz and the surrounding area, August 31, 1865, in: Linzer Tages-Post , p. 62.