Center for Science in the Public Interest

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CSPI headquarters

The Center for Science in the Public Interest ( CSPI ) is a consumer organization based in Washington, DC ; their focus is nutrition education.


Conductor Michael F. Jacobson , who founded the group in 1971 with James Sullivan and Albert Fritsch. All scientists come from Ralph Nader's Center for the Study of Responsive Law . Initially, the CSPI also dealt with environmental issues and nuclear power. After Fritsch and Sullivan's departure in 1977, the CSPI focused exclusively on nutrition issues and food safety .

The annual budget is about $ 17 million; 5 to 10 percent of this is donations from private foundations. The main source of income for the CSPI is the Nutrition Action Health Letter , which has around 900,000 subscribers and does not contain any corporate advertising.


  • Center for Science in the Public Interest. Project to Empower Students to Transform the Campus Drinking Culture: Survival Skills for the Successful Advocate. Washington, DC: Center for Science in the Public Interest, n.d.
  • Goetz, D. Liquor industry gets stricter on advertising. Louisville Courier-Journal , September 10, 2003

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. James Bennett & Thomas DiLorenzo, Food and Drink Police: Center for Science in the Public Interest wants government to control our eating habits , (Health Care News, May 2002).
  2. ^ Nutrition Action Health Letter . Center for Science in the Public Interest. Retrieved May 12, 2012.
  3. Our Funding: CSPI Funding Sources . Center for Science in the Public Interest. Retrieved May 12, 2012.