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The Cercapou is a literary work on religious subjects that is attributed to Francesc Eiximenis . It was written in Catalan during the 14th or 15th centuries .


The work was transmitted and published by the Italian scholar Giuseppe Edoardo Sansone in 1957 and 1958.


The Swiss researcher Curt Wittlin stated that this book was not written by Eiximenis himself, but that the author used Eiximenis as a source. After Wittlin, the unnamed author of the Cercapou more or less copied a few parts of the end of Eiximenis' Llibre de les dones in the last sections of the book. The part that was not a copy of Eiximenis is a copy of the anonymous Espill de consciència ( mirror of conscience).

Individual evidence

  1. Cercapou . Volums I i II. Barcelona. Editorial Barcino. 1957/1958. 115/108. Copy and edition by GE Sansone. (Catalan)
  2. ^ Wittlin, Curt “Los problemas del Cercapou y el Libre de les Dones de Fray Francesc Eiximenis”. BSCC , XLVI. 1970. 61-95. (Spanish)
  3. ^ Wittlin, Curt “De Lo Libre de les Dones a la Scala Dei”. Actes del tercer col·loqui d'estudis catalans a Nord-Amèrica . PAM. 1983. P. 149 n.12. (Catalan)