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Chuai ( Jap. 仲哀天皇 , Chuai-tennō ; † February 6 200 ) was under the old history books Kojiki and Nihon Shoki the 14th Tennō of Japan (192-200) and is son of Prince Yamato Takeru and a grandson of the Emperor Keiko been be. Most historians consider him a mythological person. Few see in him a person who is supported by historical facts.

His empress was Jingū -kōgō, who waged war against Korea according to these two documents . She, too, is viewed by some as a mythological person. She equates the Nihonshoki with Himiko . However, this equation has been refuted by recent research.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Klaus Antoni (ed.): Kojiki. Records of old events . Verlag der Weltreligionen, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-458-70036-4 , p. 301 .
predecessor Office successor
Seimu Tennō