
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Charidemos ( Greek  Χαρίδημος ; † 333 BC ) was a military leader and politician in the 4th century BC. Chr.

Charidemos was a mercenary leader from Oreos . He was brother-in-law and general of the Thracian king Kersebleptes . After conflicts with Athens in eastern Thrace , an alliance between Kersebleptes and Athens was concluded. Charidemos received Athenian citizenship and numerous honors. In the same year the king of Macedonia attacked Kersebleptes, who was defeated and had to conclude an alliance with Macedonia. Probably out of dissatisfaction with this defeat, Kersebleptes dismissed Charidemos as army master, whereupon he was elected strategist in Athens and in the autumn of 351 BC. A troop command received on the Chersonese . In the following years, Charidemos was elected to the college of strategists even more often and represented an anti-Macedonian course. In 335 BC Chr. Called Alexander the Great after-funded Athens uprising Thebes u. A. also the extradition of Charidemos. Then he contented himself with the banishment of Charidemus, who became the Persian king Dareios III. escaped. When Charidemos criticized the Persian monarch's war preparations for the battle of Issus all too frankly, Darius let him in a fit of rage in 333 BC. Choke.
