Charles Bukowski Society

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The Charles Bukowski Society (CBG) is a literary association devoted to research into the life, work and impact of the American writer Charles Bukowski .


The Charles Bukowski Society was founded in Berlin in 1996 in order to sift through secondary literature in addition to its own research, in some cases at historical locations in Bukowski's life. The results of this research are published in print form in the CBG yearbook . In addition, the CBG has its own archive in which primary and secondary literature as well as other publications related to Bukowski are available to members of the society.

The CBG works with people who have known Bukowski personally, as well as with all the relevant literary scholars who dedicate themselves to this author (also internationally), and thus sits directly at the source.

There are also good relationships with the author's hometown Andernach am Rhein, where u. a. the annual CBG symposium took place several times in August. In collaboration with the city of Andernach, the CBG has put a memorial plaque on the birthplace.

In 2014, the CBG organized an exhibition in the Sulzbach-Rosenberg literature archive and published an accompanying exhibition catalog. ( ISBN 978-3-87512-321-0 )

Bukowski himself had a rather ambivalent relationship with institutions like the CBG. So it says in his diary entries (Eng. The gods vomit ): “Some time after my death I am properly discovered. Everyone who feared or hated me during their lifetime thinks I am really great. My words are everywhere. Clubs and societies are founded. Even the gods throw up big. "

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