Charles Mercier

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Charles Mercier (* 1904 in Lyon , † April 23, 1978 in Paris ) was a Catholic priest and orientalist.

After attending the seminary , Mercier entered the Benedictine monastery of Chevetogne (Belgium) (religious name: Basile) and was ordained a priest in 1935. He then studied in Jerusalem, Leuven, Maria Laach and Paris. With an edition of the Greek St. James liturgy that is still relevant today , he acquired the academic title of "élève diplomé" from the École Pratique des Hautes Études , Paris in 1944 . He was also licentiate in theology and ès lettres . From 1941 he specialized in the study of Armenian and Georgian . At the "École des Langues Orientales Anciennes" of the Institut Catholique de Paris he took over the chair for Armenian in 1946 and in 1951 for Georgian. In order to be able to continue his scientific activity, he changed from the religious order to the diocesan clergy. In addition to teaching languages, he mainly devoted himself to the edition and translation of Jewish-Hellenistic and early Christian writings. In 1977 he retired.


  • La Liturgy de Saint Jacques. Édition critique du texte grec avec traduction latine par Dom B.-Ch. Mercier (Patrologia Orientalis 26, 2). Paris: Firmin-Didot 1947 (reprint: Turnhout: Brepols 1974).
  • Les Oeuvres de Philon d'Alexandrie 34. Quaestiones et solutiones in Genesim III-IV-V-VI e versione armeniaca . Traduction et notes by Charles Mercier. Complément de l'ancienne version latine: texte et apparat critique, traduction et notes par Françoise Petit. Ed. du Cerf, Paris 1984.
  • Contre les hérésies ... / Irénée de Lyon  ; édition critique sous la direction de Adeline Rousseau, avec la collab. de Bertrand Hermmerdinger, Louis Doutreleau, Charles Mercier ... Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1965-


  • K. Salia, Charles Mercier . In: Bedi Kartlisa 37 (1979) 7-10.
  • L'Abbé Charles Mercier . In: Nouvelles de l'Institut Catholique de Paris 1978-1979, No. 3, 150-156