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Chattak was a unit of mass in Calcutta and also a measure of area in the Bengal presidency .

Area measure

  • 1 chattak = 20 square covits = 39 3/5 Parisian square feet

Mass unit

In the grain trade

In liquids trading

  • 1 chattak = 43 3/5 grams
    • 4 chattaks = 1 puah / pice = 68.3 grams
    • 16 Chattaks = 1 Seer
    • 80 Chattaks = 5 Seer = 20 Pice = 1 Possare = 366 grams
    • 640 chattaks = 1 maon


  • Johann Friedrich Krüger : Complete manual of the coins, measures and weights of all countries in the world. Verlag Gottfried Basse, Quedlinburg and Leipzig 1830, pp. 21, 46, 250, 256.