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Virgin of Candelaria

Chaxiraxi was the name of a goddess of the indigenous people of the island of Tenerife ( Canary Islands ), the Guanches , who is also known as the mother of the sun.

The image of the Virgin of Candelaria , published in 1400 or 1401, was identified with this goddess by the natives. She is also the deity of the religious organization Church of the Guanche People, founded in 2001 .


  1. Los primitivos habitantes de Canarias: la religious
  2. La madre del sustentador del cielo y la vida ": una divinidad sincrética. (Aculturación religiosa en el conjunto arqueológico de Achbinico-Candelaria, Tenerife)


  • Matilde Moreno Martínez: Relatos legendarios: historia y magia de España . Desde los orígenes a los siglos de oro. In: Castalia didáctica . tape 48 . Editorial Castalia, Madrid 2007, ISBN 978-84-9740-221-7 , p. 50 ff .