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Decryption of a ciphertext

Ciphertext (also cipher , cipher , ciphertext , the ciphertext , cryptogram , crypto text , ciphertext or spell ) is in the cryptography a text or a amount of data which are sold by encryption using a cryptographic method ( by hand or by machine ) using a key has been altered in such a way that it is simply no longer possible to understand its content.

With the help of the secret key, the ciphertext can be converted back into the original plain text (picture). This is called decryption . If an unauthorized attacker, without knowing the key, succeeds in wresting the original plain text from the ciphertext, i.e. breaking the ciphertext , it is called decipherment .


  • Albrecht Beutelspacher , Ute Rosenbaum: Projective geometry. From the basics to the applications. 2nd revised and expanded edition. Vieweg, Wiesbaden 2004, ISBN 3-528-17241-X , p. 222 ( Vieweg Studium - Advanced Course in Mathematics ), ( online ).
  • Michael Miller: Symmetrical encryption methods. Design, development and cryptanalysis of classic and modern ciphers. Teubner, Stuttgart a. a. 2003, ISBN 3-519-02399-7 , p. 5 ( online ).

Web links

Commons : ciphertexts  - collection of images, videos and audio files
Wiktionary: ciphertext  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations