Chill (role play)

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Chill is an American horror pen and paper role-playing game . The game was originally published by Pacesetter. It was later published in a revised form by the game publisher Mayfair Games. The game was translated into Swedish in the 1980s, but there is no German version.

The scenario is comparable to horror films like John Carpenter's Vampire or The Omen . The players are part of the organization "SAVE", which has set itself the task of fighting evil.


SAVE (Societas Argenti Viae Eternitata, The Eternal Society of the Silver Way) is a secret society that wants to protect the innocent from creatures of the unknown. SAVE agents are called envoys and are spread all over the world.

The role-playing game Call of Cthulhu , which is available in a German translation, is in the same genre . In contrast to Call of Cthulhu , which is set in the world of Howard Phillips Lovecraft's dark works, Chill is more inspired by classic "lighter" horror films like those by Hammer Studios .