Chiriqui quail pigeon

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Chiriqui quail pigeon
Stavenn Geotrygon chiriquensis.jpg

Chiriqui quail pigeon ( Geotrygon chiriquensis )

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Pigeon birds (Columbiformes)
Family : Pigeons (Columbidae)
Genre : American earth pigeons ( Geotrygon )
Type : Chiriqui quail pigeon
Scientific name
Geotrygon chiriquensis
Sclater , 1858

The Chiriqui quail pigeon ( Geotrygon chiriquensis , Syn . : Zentrygon chiriquensis ) is a species of pigeon birds. It occurs exclusively in Central America. The species is not considered endangered in its population.


The Chiriqui quail pigeon reaches a body length of 30 centimeters and weighs an average of 295 grams. It is a large, long-tailed and compactly built earth dove, which is very similar in appearance to the Peruvian quail pigeon . The Chiriqui quail pigeon is a bit smaller. There is no sexual dimorphism, the females are just slightly smaller than the males.

The face and forehead are mauve-pink. The top of the head is gray. Two black narrow stripes run through the face. A strip runs from the base of the beak over the eye to the neck. Another below from the cheek to the ear patches. The neck, the back and the wing covers are dark red-brown. The coat is purple-red. The wings of the hand are dark olive brown. The chest is warm yellow-brown and tinged with pink. The belly and the under tail-coverts are strong yellow-brown. The iris is reddish brown. The beak is dark gray to black. The feet are reddish.

Distribution area and habitat

The Chiriqui quail pigeon is found only in Panama and Costa Rica. The distribution area covers a total of only 16,400 square kilometers. According to the IUCN, the population is stable. However, it is not common anywhere in its range.

The habitat of the Chiriqui quail pigeon are primary tropical and subtropical mountain forests. The height distribution ranges from 600 to 1,700 meters. Occasionally, however, it also comes up to 3,000 meters above sea level. in front. It is dependent on largely undestroyed and dense undergrowth. It is sensitive to logging. It only uses secondary forest where it is directly adjacent to primary forest.

Way of life

The Chiriqui quail pigeon is a resident bird. It is shy and inconspicuous and usually occurs singly or in pairs. It is an earth-dwelling pigeon that is more likely to seek shelter in the undergrowth than to be found in danger. It only finds its food on the ground. The food spectrum includes seeds, small fruits and probably also invertebrates. The breeding season falls from June to October. The nest is built low in the undergrowth. The clutch consists of one or two eggs.

Keeping in human care

The Chiriqui quail pigeon was first kept in California in 1953 and first bred in 1955.

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. Rösler, p. 220
  2. BirdLife Factsheet , accessed June 27, 2009
  3. Gibbs, p. 380
  4. Rösler, p. 221


  • David Gibbs, Eustace Barnes and John Cox: Pigeons and Doves - A Guide to the Pigeons and Doves of the World . Pica Press, Sussex 2001, ISBN 90-74345-26-3 .
  • Alois Münst and Josef Wolters: Tauben - The species of wild pigeons , 2nd expanded and revised edition, Verlag Karin Wolters, Bottrop 1999, ISBN 3-9801504-9-6 .
  • Gerhard Rösler: The wild pigeons of the earth - free living, keeping and breeding . M. & H. Schaper Verlag, Alfeld-Hannover 1996, ISBN 3-7944-0184-0 .

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