Chopin chord

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Chopin chord in C major (C minor) with resolution

The Chopin chord , as the earliest (and incomplete) historical form of the tredezima chord, is a dominant chord with a minor seventh and major treble (or sixth , hence the Chopin sixth ) instead of the fifth . In the basic key of C major, its notes are accordingly ghfe; In the basic key of C minor, the scale's own minor tredezime is used, so that the notes are ghf-es. The resolution to the tonic is the same for the tones g, b and f as in the dominant seventh chord , i.e.

  • g in bass goes to root c
  • h as the leading tone dissolves into the fundamental c
  • f as a minor seventh dissolves into the tonic third e or es

As with the dissolution of the dominant seventh chord, the leading tone at the end of a cadence can also be brought down in order to obtain a complete final chord. This is especially true on the piano, where the independence of the voices is less clear than, for example, in the choir . The Tredezime that occurs specifically in the Chopin chord is treated like the fifth it replaces and thus goes down to the root note. The resulting jump is particularly characteristic in terms of sound. This distinguishes the typical use of the Chopin chord from the "regular" treatment as a sixth preceding the fifth, as shown in the adjacent example by Adolf Jensen .

The following example from the F major ballad op.38 shows a particularly extensive use of the Chopin chord: Chopin chord Ballad in F major.png


  • Reinhard Amon: Lexicon of harmony: reference work on major minor harmony with analysis codes for functions, levels and jazz chords . Doblinger; [Stuttgart]: Metzler, Vienna / Munich 2005, ISBN 3-476-02082-7 .
  • Artur Bielecki: “Some reflections on the Chopin chord.” In: Chopin in the World, 4 (1989), pp. 47-48.
  • Ludwik Bronarski: “Akord chopinowski” In: Kwartalnik Muzyczny, 1930/31, No. 12/13, pp. 369-380
  • Hartmuth Kinzler: "Chopin's G minor ballad, an Opus XXIII." In: ders. (Ed.): Theory and Practice of Music . Series of publications of the FB Erziehungs- u. Cultural Studies, Vol. 16. University of Osnabrück, Osnabrück 1997, ISBN 3-923486-24-3 ( online )
  • Ekkehard Kreft: Harmonics in transition: chord types and formations from the 18th to the 20th century . Lang, Frankfurt am Main / Berlin / Bern / Bruxelles / New York / Oxford / Vienna 2003, ISBN 3-631-51703-3
  • Helmut KH Lange: This is how I play and teach Chopin: Analyzes and interpretations. Steiner, Stuttgart 1994, ISBN 3-515-05772-2 . Chapter 9: The Chopin Chord, p. 47 f. ( limited preview in Google Book search)
  • Peter Sabbagh: The development of the harmonics in Scriabin: The development of the harmonics in Scriabin. Dissertation University of Hamburg. Books on Demand, Hamburg 2001, ISBN 3-8311-1866-3 ( limited preview in Google book search)

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