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The Chorągwie coat of arms

The Polish coat of arms tribe Chorągwie is derived from the coat of arms tribe Radwan . It was used by noble families from the magnate houses at the time of the Polish-Lithuanian aristocratic republic. There is also a branch of the coats of arms: Chorągwie Kmitów, which does not show any changes in the coat of arms. The following families belonged to these heraldic tribes: Bykowski, Tysza Bykowski, Cerlenkowski, Czarnobylski, Czerlinkowski, Deszkowski, Hryckiewicz, Hryszkiewicz, Jelec, Kmita, Czarnoblyski, Olizar , Redler, Šyłavičy, Kmita , Šyłavičy, Woziczł, Tysczłowski, Wozczłowski.


  • Jan Chryzostom Redler, rococo architect
  • Count Gustav Olizar , poet
  • Count Narcyz Olizar , writer
  • The Worłowski family, owners of the Czerwony Dwór village in Lithuania