Christian national electoral community

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The Christian National Electoral Community was a party alliance that ran for the state elections in 1922 in the state of Salzburg . The alliance comprised the Christian Social Party (CSP), the German National Socialist Workers 'Party (DNSAP) and the Freedom Salzburg Farmers' Union. The Christian National Electoral Community achieved 53,925 votes or 56.27 percent and 16 seats in the 1922 election. For the alliance, this meant an absolute majority of votes and mandates. According to an internal agreement, 14 of the 16 mandates went to the CSP, 1 to the DNSAP and one to the Salzburg Farmers' Union. After the election, however, the three parties did not form a joint state parliament club, rather the representatives of DNSAP and the Bauernbund remained non-attached and worked informally with the Greater German People's Party .
