Christoph Karrasch (physicist)

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Christoph Karrasch (* 1982 in Duderstadt ) is a German theoretical physicist who deals with quantum mechanical many-body theory.

After graduating from high school (2001), Karrasch studied physics at the University of Göttingen with a diploma in 2006 at Eichsfeld-Gymnasium in Duderstadt and obtained his doctorate in 2010 with Volker Meden at RWTH Aachen University . As a post-doctoral student , he was at the University of California, Berkeley from 2011 to 2016 . From 2016 to 2018 he was Emmy Noether Junior Research Group Leader at the Free University of Berlin . In 2019 he became professor for theoretical physics at the TU Braunschweig .

He is concerned with highly correlated systems in low dimensions (i.e. 1 and 2 dimensions), the functional renormalization group , non-equilibrium dynamics and transport through quantum dots and quantum wires.

In 2016 he received the Physics Prize of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen for his innovative contributions to the solution of quantum mechanical many-body problems, in particular for his groundbreaking expansion of the density matrix renormalization group, which made the application of this method at finite temperatures possible (laudation).

Fonts (selection)

  • with T. Enss, V. Meden: Functional renormalization group approach to transport through correlated quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B, Volume 73, 2006, pp. 235337
  • with A. Ooguri, V. Meden: Josephson current through a single Anderson impurity coupled to BCS leads, Phys. Rev. B, Volume 77, 2008, p. 024517
  • with R. Hedden, V. Meden a. a .: A finite-frequency functional renormalization group approach to the single impurity Anderson model, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Volume 20, 2008, p. 345205
  • with H. Bouchiat, A. Eichler, V. Meden a. a .: Tuning the Josephson current in carbon nanotubes with the Kondo effect, Phys. Rev. B, Volume 79, 2009, p. 161407
  • mt JH Bardarson, JE Moore: Finite-temperature dynamical density matrix renormalization group and the Drude weight of spin-1/2 chains, Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume 108, 2012, p. 227206
  • with DM Kennes, SG Jakobs, V. Meden: Renormalization group approach to time-dependent transport through correlated quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B, Volume 84, 2012, p. 085113
  • with J. Rentrop, D. Schuricht, V. Meden: Luttinger-liquid universality in the time evolution after an interaction quench, Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume 109, 2012, p. 126406
  • with D. Schuricht: Dynamical phase transitions after quenches in nonintegrable models, Physical Review B, Volume 87, 2013, p. 195104
  • with R. Ilan, JE Moore: Nonequilibrium thermal transport and its relation to linear response, Physical Review B, Volume 88, 2013, p. 195129
  • with JE Moore, F. Heidrich-Meisner: Real-time and real-space spin and energy dynamics in one-dimensional spin-1 2 systems induced by local quantum quenches at finite temperatures, Physical Review B, Volume 89, 2014, p. 075139

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