Chronology of the south-central Andean region

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The relative chronology of the south-central Andean region , in northern Chile as well as in the Altiplano of Bolivia and in southern Peru , is carried out in the archeology of South America with the following epochs :

Epochs Chronological order
Pre-Hispanic era
Epochs before the
first contact with Spaniards
(span .: Prehispánico)
Age of hunters and gatherers
(span .: Arcaico)
Archean (Spanish: Arcaico Temprano)
8000 BC Chr. - 6000 BC Chr.
Archean (Spanish: Arcaico Medio)
6000 BC Chr. - 4000 BC Chr.
Archean (Spanish: Arcaico Tardío)
4000 BC Chr. - 2000 BC Chr.
Archean (Spanish: Arcaico Final)
2000 BC Chr. - 1400 BC Chr.
Epoch of farmers and shepherds, ceramics production
(span .: Formativo)
Early Formativum
(Spanish: Formativo Temprano)
1300 BC Chr. - 350 BC Chr.
Middle formativum
(span .: Formativo Medio)
350 BC Chr. - 100 AD
Late formativum
(Spanish: Formativo Tardío)
100 A.D. - 500 A.D.
Middle horizon
Epoch of the Tiwanaku civilization
(span .: Medio)
500 AD - 900 AD
Late in the meantime
Period between the Tiwanaku civilization and the Inca rule
(span .: Intermedio Tardío)
900 AD - 1450 AD
Later horizon
Epoch of Inca rule
(span .: Tardío)
. 1450 AD -. 1500 AD..
Hispanic era
Epochs after the
first contact with Spaniards
(Spanish: Hispánico)
1500 AD -

Individual evidence

  1. Aldenderfer, Mark S., and Luis Flores Blanco. "Reflections for avanzar en los estudios del período arcaico en Los Andes centro-sur." Chungará (Arica) 43rd ESPECIAL (2011): 531-550. ( online , html)
  2. a b c d Agüero, P. "Aproximación al asentamiento humano temprano en los oasis de San Pedro de Atacama." Estudios atacameños 30 (2005): 29-60. ( online , html)