Chugworth Academy

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Chugworth Academy is an English language webcomic published by Dave Cheung since June 19, 2000 . Occasionally it is also called Chugworth Academy 2 , as the entire archive was lost in the course of a relaunch on May 21, 2003.

After Cheung's websites had been offline since June 2007, Strips were published again for a short time since September 17, 2007. On September 28, 2007, the publication of new strips ended again.

Content design

The action revolves around the lives of four teenagers , two of whom attend the elite Chugworth Academy . The basic style of the comic has a sexual orientation, sometimes subtle, and sometimes went strongly in the direction of fan service .

The comic is aimed at an adult audience. The following text, translated here into German, was written on the homepage of the website: “This comic is not suitable for children and people with high moral values. It sometimes contains senseless violence and sexual innuendo, as well as harsh language. If you have a problem with that, do me a favor and leave, but don't complain to me afterwards. If you don't mind that, and you enjoy cartoon teenagers doing stupid things, click Enter to go to the page. "

Print editions

In 2004, a book was published with the title Chugworth Academy: All Aboard the Mentalist Train , which is now neither in the Chugworth Academy store, nor through "LuLu", a self-publisher.

Seven Seas Entertainment published a second edition of the book on July 3, 2006, which differs from the first edition in terms of size, number of comics and the added exclusive material .

Web links
