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Game data
author Tom Lehmann
graphic Dennis Lohausen
publishing company Amigo
Publishing year 2014
Art dice game
Teammates 2 to 4
Duration 45 minutes
Age from 10 years on

ciúb , derived from the English word cube = "dice", is a dice game by Tom Lehmann , which was published in 2014 by the German publisher Amigo . The game is about using the available dice in a card display to throw predetermined combinations of dice. Using special symbols on the dice, they can be exchanged for dice of different colors with different values ​​and symbols, and the number of dice can be increased over the rounds in order to achieve the number and values ​​required for the tasks.

Background and material

With ciúb , the aim is to use the dice available to the players to roll combinations that are specified on a card display, or to enable this by exchanging for other dice and increasing the number of dice. In addition to the instructions, the game material consists of:

  • 62 six-sided dice, including 20 white dice and 12 power dice each in six colors with different values ​​and symbols,
  • 7 overview maps for the cube types,
  • 33 task cards (magic cards) in levels of difficulty A to D, on which various tasks are depicted (specific dice values, equal dice, minimum total number of points)
  • four player boards and
  • four markers.

Thematically, the game is embedded in a magician duel, in which the players have to find their way over the magic cards to the crown of their guild, the Opus Magnum .

Game flow

At the beginning of the game, each player chooses a color and receives the corresponding player board, the marker and five white dice. The remaining white dice and the colored power dice are sorted and each placed with the appropriate overview card in the middle of the table. The magic cards are sorted according to the letters A to D and then shuffled individually into the respective pile. Depending on the number of players and the desired playing time, individual A, B and C cards are removed, then they are placed face down in descending order from C to A on a draw pile so that the A cards are on top; the D card is placed face up under the pile. The top 10 cards are laid out with 5 cards each in an upper and lower row as task cards.

The game is played in clockwise order starting with a starting player. In their turn, the players try to use the dice available to them to complete one of the task cards in the bottom row and to get the victory points indicated on it. At the beginning of each of his turns, a player may place his marker on a card and thus secure it against the other players from being fulfilled or removed; alternatively, he may remove a card from the top row from the game and replace it with a new card from the draw pile.

After the marker has been moved or a card has been removed, the active player rolls all available dice (at the beginning accordingly with the five white dice). These count as active dice after the roll and can be used for dice actions or placed on the dice tray on the player board. Dice in the dice tray remain in place until the end of the turn and are not changed. At the end of the turn, the player can use them to fill a magic card or exchange them for other dice with a corresponding symbol.

ciúb contains a total of 62 six-sided dice in 7 colors.
The card tasks must be completed with the available dice.

Each cube can show numerical values ​​or symbols, depending on its color. With the symbols on the active dice, some cubes can be changed - there are three options:

  • Exchange dice: With a dice bearing this symbol, it can be exchanged for any other dice from the supply. The new die is an inactive die that can only be used in the current round if it has been changed by the actions “Reroll” or “Rotate as desired”.
  • Re-roll the dice: A dice with this symbol can be used to re-roll any dice that is not yet in the dice tray. An inactive die, which came into play through the action “Exchange dice”, becomes an active one when it is rolled again.
  • Rotate as desired : With a cube with this symbol, any cube that is not yet in the cube tray can be turned to any side. An inactive cube that came into play through the “Swap Cube” action becomes an active one when it is turned. If a die is turned to an action side, this can be used immediately. If the cube showing the symbol is to be rotated, it may only be rotated to one number.

In addition to these symbols, there are two more that do not trigger any actions:

  • Skull: All active dice that show a skull must be put into the dice tray immediately. They have no numerical value, but can be used to accomplish a task that requires several identical dice regardless of their value.
  • 2 against 1: A die with this symbol may be placed in the dice tray. At the end of the round, it enables you to exchange this dice for any two dice from the supply and thus increase the dice stock for the next round and change the type of dice.

Numerical values ​​on the dice have no special functions and are used to fulfill the tasks of the magic cards. The player can roll the dice as long as he can put at least one die into the dice tray per roll and has active dice. Then he checks whether he can fulfill one of the cards in the bottom row. If this is the case, he gets the card (with the corresponding victory points) and fills the resulting gap with any card from the top row. In addition, the player has to reduce his number of dice to five and can exchange as many dice as he wants for white dice.

If a player cannot or does not want to fulfill a card after the end of the turn, he gets any additional die for his next round and ends his round; he too can exchange any number of his dice for white dice. He can also exchange 2-for-1 dice from his dice tray for any two dice. At the end of the turn, however, a user may own a maximum of five white dice and a maximum of 4 dice of each color.

End of game and evaluation

The end of the game is heralded when a player turns over the last C-card and thus the D-card is open. The next player who can fill a card in the bottom row receives the D card as a bonus and ends the game; all other players can then make another move. On this last move, no markers are moved or cards are taken from the game and the players may fill one card from the entire display. After all players have finished their turn, the victory points of the completed cards are added, the player with the most points wins the game. In the event of a tie, the player with the higher number of remaining dice wins.


ciúb was developed by the American game designer Tom Lehmann and published in 2014 by the German game publisher Amigo in a multilingual edition and again in an English version in 2018.

supporting documents

  1. a b c d e f g h i Official game rules for ciúb , download from the publisher's website for the game ; accessed on October 24, 2018.
  2. Versions of ciúb in the BoardGameGeek database; accessed on October 24, 2018.

Web links