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The European Nobility Commission , in French La Commission d'information et de liaison des associations de noblesse d'Europe , Cilane or CILANE for short , is an exchange and networking organization of European nobility associations. It was founded in Paris in 1959 and is used to network members of and youth work in aristocratic organizations , and its business language is French.


The organization was founded on April 29, 1959 in Paris by representatives of French, German, Austrian, Italian and Russian aristocratic organizations. In 1987 the aristocratic associations of Belgium, Spain, Switzerland, Portugal and Austria left, Sweden joined in 1990, Finland, the Netherlands and the Vatican joined in 1996, Hungary in 2006 and Malta in 2008.

Member associations

  • Belgium: Association de la Noblesse du Royaume de Belgique (ANRB)
  • Denmark: Dansk Adels-Forening (DAF)
  • Germany: Association of the German Nobility Associations (VdDA)
  • Finland: Maison de la Noblesse Finlandaise-Riddarhuset
  • France: Association d'Entreaide de la Noblesse Française (ANF)
  • Great Britain: Commission and Association for Armigerous Families of Great Britain (AFGB)
  • Italy: Corpo della Nobilita Italiana (CM)
  • Malta: Committee of Privileges of the Maltese Nobility (incorporated April 2008)
  • Netherlands: Nederlands Adelvereniging (NAV)
  • Papal nobility: Réunion de la Noblesse Pontificale (RNP)
  • Portugal: Associação da Nobreza Histórica Portugal (ANHP)
  • Russia: Союз Дворян - Union de la Noblesse Russe (UNR)
  • Sweden: Maison de la Noblesse Suédoise-Riddarhuset
  • Switzerland: Association de Familles Suisses (AFS)
  • Spain: Real Asociación de Hidalgos de España (RAHE)
  • Hungary: Magyar Történelmi Családok Egyesülete (recorded in October 2006)


For the purpose of maintaining the aristocratic circles, the organization organizes youth exchanges and international youth conferences that take place once a year. In addition, the Cilane maintains a directory of its members in order to establish contacts.


  • CILANE (Commission d'information et de liaison des associations nobles d'Europe) , Ediciones Hidalguia AHFE, Madrid 1989, ISBN 978-848720407-4 (French, limited preview in Google book search).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. In Austria, nobility does not exist by law (Nobility Repeal Act  1919), so both residents and foreigners are per se non- nobility . In the interwar period there was a men's club, the Association of Catholic Nobles in Austria . Its successor organization was the St. Johanns Club ( ), founded in 1954 under the patronage of the Order of Malta , in which founding members of the Cilane were also represented. This club also gathers people who, in the opinion of the European nobility, are bourgeois, so that we cannot speak of a nobility association in the true sense of the word. The Association of Nobles in Austria  (VEÖ), founded in 2005, should be regarded as dissolved.
    Compare on this Georg Frölichsthal: The Austrian nobility since 1918. Lecture before the German
    Nobility Law Committee on September 13, 1997. First published in the Deutsches Adelsblatt , 36th year (1997) No. 11, pp. 284–287, especially 3. Organization of the Austrian nobility ( Updated version ( Memento of the original from June 13, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note on the website of the Heraldisch-Genealogische Gesellschaft Adler,, accessed June 1, 2015). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /