Classifier (UML)

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A Classifier (or classifier ) (. English classifier ) is a metaclass in the Unified Modeling Language (UML), a language for the modeling of the structures and the behavior of software - and other systems.

A classifier within UML is an abstract conceptual construct that modelers never insert directly into one of the UML diagrams . As a so-called abstract metaclass, the classifier is particularly useful for authors of the UML specification and less so for users of UML.

Within the UML specification, however, the classifier plays a central role because it includes the common properties of UML model elements that UML users also frequently use. For example, the model elements class , interface , component , behavior , activity , interaction or state machine are specializations of the classifier - a classifier is a generalization of these model elements.


  • Heide Balzert, textbook on object modeling, analysis and design with UML 2 , Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2005, ISBN 3-8274-1162-9
  • Heide Balzert: UML 2 in 5 days , 2005, ISBN 3937137610
  • M. Jeckle , C. Rupp, J. Hahn, B. Zengler, S. Queins: UML 2 crystal clear , Hanser-Verlag, 2003, ISBN 3-446-22575-7