Claudio Lardi

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Claudio Lardi (born May 21, 1955 in Poschiavo / Graubünden ) is a Swiss lawyer and politician.

After attending elementary school in Poschiavo, Claudio Lardi graduated from the Cantonal School of Chur with a commercial Matura, and then studied law at the University of Zurich.

From 1991 until his election to the Graubünden government in 1998, Claudio Lardi was a member of the Grand Council of Chur and worked full-time as a lawyer in Zurich, Chur and Poschiavo.

Long language, travel and work stays abroad have shaped Claudio Lardi. His origins and the associated bond with Graubünden and his Poschiavo valley had and still have a major influence on his personality.

Claudio Lardi is politically shaped by his decades of membership in the Social Democratic Party of Switzerland SPS and by his work as a councilor and especially as a member of the business audit commission, but also by his part-time work as a board member of various clubs and associations.

From 1999 to 2010 Claudio Lardi was head of the education, culture and environmental protection department of the canton of Graubünden. In 2002, 2006 and 2010 he was President of the Graubünden government on a rotating basis.

During his time as government councilor, the reorganization project of the education, culture and environmental protection department as well as the so-called "core program Bündner Schule 2010", a project for the best possible coordination, synthesis and coordination of a large number of ongoing and commissioned change projects that affect the Bündner schools, fell . Lardi is a board member of the Education Directors' Conference of the Eastern Swiss Cantons and the Principality of Liechtenstein EDK-Ost and President of the Swiss education server He is also Vice President of the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences and held the same position at movingAlps until the end of 2008. Since 2011 he has been President of the School Board of the Health and Social Education Center and a member of the Repower Board of Directors. He is also responsible for various mandates in connection with the world exhibition EXPO Milano 2015.

Lardi is fluent in Italian and German, and he is fluent in French and English, both spoken and written.

Claudio Lardi is a passionate hobby cook.

Individual evidence
