Cleverly dusted

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Television broadcast
Original title Cleverly dusted
Country of production GermanyGermany Germany
original language German
year 2017
Tower Productions
length 45 minutes
Episodes 20th
genre Quiz show
Theme music Mark Forster - choirs
Moderation Steven Gätjen
First broadcast April 3, 2017 on ZDFneo
Moderator Steven Gätjen

A German quiz show that could be seen Monday to Friday on ZDFneo from April to May 2017 was cleverly dusted off . The show was moderated by Steven Gätjen . It was the German version of the BBC show For What It's Worth .


On the show, candidates did not play for money with their general knowledge , but instead earned antique objects by answering questions, although they did not know their value. Three candidate duos competed in each show; the team that achieved the greatest value in the end was the winner.

For what it's worth

The model for Clever dusted was the English television show For What It's Worth . This was first broadcast on January 4, 2016 on BBC One . Fern Britton is the moderator . So far, 48 episodes have been broadcast in two seasons.

Audience ratings

The first program by Clever dusted on April 3, 2017 brought the broadcaster ZDFneo around 740,000 viewers and a market share of 2.8%. Previously, reruns of Bares for Rares on the same slot had up to 1.5 million viewers. The ratings then fell to below 500,000 viewers by April 7th.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Clever dusted starts weaker than cash for , accessed on April 27, 2017