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Co-registration (also called Coreg for short ) is a term from the field of direct marketing and is primarily used in online marketing.

The basic method of co-registration has been around for a long time and is not an invention of online marketing , but the terms themselves were clearly defined in online marketing.


To put it simply, it is about placing further offers in an existing customer dialogue with the aim that the customer will also perceive / accept them. This even without having previously had the specific intention of even wanting to order this. It is thus a form of process integration of product advertising within own or external processes for the active generation of requirements or data.

These two basic principles can be applied to a wide variety of areas in an integrated manner in many display variants. Be it to generate additional orders for additional own or third-party products, to obtain e-mail addresses for newsletters, telephone numbers for call-back requests for advice / sales talks, product information by post (info flyers, catalogs), etc. There are many other possibilities and application paths.

The level of activity of the end users in the dialogue process is therefore very active during the co-registration. In addition, the corresponding offer of the affinity of the end consumer and the target group specified by the product provider (gender, age, region, etc.) can be displayed appropriately.

Example processes for a simplified method explanation

You go to the website of the sample bank with the wish to open an account. During the online registration for the account, the sample bank asks you whether you would like to order a credit card from the sample card provider in addition to the account. To do this, all you have to do is click another checkbox (without entering your data again) , and your request will be forwarded to the sample card provider. This short example shows how you can sell other products without the end user having consciously planned this before visiting the online offer. Such an integration works particularly well in the case described above, of course, thanks to the secondary product that matches the topic.

application areas

The method can be used well to win new customers for your own products. Co-registration is used when:

  • you have very special products that have no general affinity and therefore have to be explicitly selected by the end user and require express permission,
  • you attach great importance to long-term customer loyalty , you want little wastage and you are prepared to invest significantly more than in the case of co-sponsoring.

There are of course different forms of integration. A good text that simply and in a few words highlights the advertised service is important. Avoid long sentences or big explanations. Especially with co-registration, the quality and volume depend heavily on the representation of the integration. A CoReg can be incorporated simply as a graphic (mostly 88 × 31 pixels) and two-line text including an approval box or via the option button in the yes-no question principle, the whole thing built into a list of dozen or a few other CoRegs, individually or as Integration on a thank you page with a large picture and more extensive text, and so on. The display variants and extras are very extensive.

The method is most widespread online on websites that deal with the topics of raffles / quizzes and market surveys . For very high-quality products or services that are very financially sensitive (example: private health insurance, life insurance, etc.), more specific sources are ideal. In general, raffles / etc. definitely their purpose and, despite all prejudices, they have a good social profile in the customer base. Always get details of the website in advance, i.e. the target group , page views and other socio-demographic information that the website operator has.

Legal aspects, basics

First of all, you should distinguish between email, postal and telephone data and the combinations of these three data. Depending on which data characteristics you want to collect, different rules and ways of generating them apply. Since an explanation of the current legal situation is beyond the scope of this article, it is shortened to the most essential:

On the subject of data generation, agencies, lawyers and even judges / courts have different and sometimes even contradicting views and statements. For this reason, when in doubt, you should always choose the more difficult method of collecting data. This procedure is quantitatively at the expense of the possible number of new customers, but certainly not at the expense of the quality of the data collected or legal security. See also: Weblinks for further links on the subject of the legal situation.

See also


  • Jan-Philip Ziebold: Co-sponsoring / co-registration, brief introduction to the topic (OTRS ticket number 2009042810043879)
  • Torsten Schwarz: Guide to Online Marketing: The compact knowledge of the industry , ISBN 978-3-000-20904-8
  • Jürgen Bruns: Direktmarketing , 2nd edition, Kiehl Verlag, Ludwigshafen 2007
  • Heinrich Holland : Direktmarketing , 3rd edition, Munich 2009