Comité Consultatif International Télégraphique et Téléphonique

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The Comité Consultatif International Télégraphique et Téléphonique ( CCITT ; German International Advisory Committee for Telegraph and Telephone Service ) is an outdated but often mentioned name for one of the technical committees of the ITU ( International Telecommunication Union ; German Internationale Fernmeldeunion ).

Today this committee is called ITU-T (ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector) and is the department of the ITU that develops technical norms , standards and recommendations for all areas of telecommunication . The ITU-T has existed since March 1, 1993. The origins of the CCITT go back to 1865.


The CCITT was created at the end of 1956 from the merger of the CCIF (for telephony service, founded in 1924) and CCIT ( Comité Consultatif International Télégraphique , for telegraph service, founded in 1925). It was a permanent establishment of the ITU with its own organization. The contractual basis was contained in Article 15 of the International Telecommunications Treaty of Montreux 1965.


The tasks of the CCITT were the study of technical questions, operational and fee questions in relation to telegraphy and telephony and the issuing of recommendations for the cheapest solution to these questions. The recommendations were prepared in study commissions set up by the general assembly and decided in the general assembly. All member countries of the ITU could take part in the general assemblies and in the work and deliberations of the study commissions.

The facilities of the CCITT

General Assembly

The General Assembly usually met every three years. It elected the director about every six years, set up the study commission and gave them assignments. The results of the plenary meetings were recorded as recommendations, reports and so on in so-called “color books”, with the color of the cover indicating the respective study period. Before the merger of the CCIF and CCIT, the two committees issued books in different colors at the end of each study period. From 1957 to 1964 the so-called "Red Books" and then the so-called "Blue Books" were published by the CCITT.

Director and Secretariat

The director directed the CCIT and coordinated the work of the plenary assembly and the study commission. The technical secretariat supported the director and took care of the day-to-day administrative work.


The study commissions were appointed by the plenary assembly to carry out necessary investigations. At the end of the 1960s there were the following study commissions:

I. Telegraph operation and charges (including telex service)
II. Telephone operation and charges
III. General charging principles, rental of telecommunications lines
IV. Maintenance of the international telecommunications network
V. Protection against electromagnetic interference (endangerment and interference) of the telecommunication systems
VI. Protection and properties of the cable sheaths and the masts
VII. Definitions and symbols
VIII. Telegraph apparatus
IX. Telegraphic transmission quality, characteristics of equipment and guidelines for maintaining telegraphic channels
X. Telegraphy Switching
XI. Telephone switching and signaling
XII. Telephony transmission quality and telephone local area networks
XIII. Semi and fully automatic telephone networks
XIV Facsimile Telegraphic Transmission and Facilities
XV. Transmission systems
XVI. Telephone lines
also three special commissions
a) data transfer
b) Worldwide semi and fully automatic telephone network
c) Noises (mixed special commission CCITT / CCIR)
also five mixed CCITT / CCIR commissions.

Worldwide planning commission and regional planning commissions for Europe and the Mediterranean basin, for Africa, for Asia and Oceania, for Latin America, furthermore the joint commission CCIR / CCITT, CMTT, television transmission over long distances. Most of the commissions still had a number of working groups under them. There were also five independent special working groups. The working groups were partly mixed. There were also five independent special working groups. The working groups were partly mixed.


The laboratories and technical facilities set up by the ITU.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Title page of the CCITT standard: I.112 Série I: Réseau Numérique à Intégration de Services, Structure générale - Cadre des Recommandations de la série I - Terminology, Glossaiere des Termes Relatifs au RNIS 11/1988
  2. ^ Report of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (wtsa16): Actes de l'Assemblée mondiale de normalization des télécommunications Hammamet, Tunisie 25 October - 3 November 2016 , pp. II-70
  3. ↑ Concise dictionary of electrical telecommunications; P. 837
  4. ↑ Concise dictionary of electrical telecommunications; P. 838

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