Committee on Social Thought

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The Committee on Social Thought ( dt . Committee for social thinking ) is one of several graduate colleges of the University of Chicago . It was founded in 1941 by the US economic historian John Ulric Nef in collaboration with the economist Frank Knight , the anthropologist Robert Redfield and the then university president Robert Maynard Hutchins .

The committee is interdisciplinary and not limited to any specific topic. Rather, scientists and writers have been brought together in order to promote "awareness of the permanent questions at the origin of all learned inquiry" (German about familiarity with the questions of the origin of all knowledge ).

Known members

Significant former members of the committee included a.

Eliot, Bellow, Coetzee and Hayek have been awarded the Nobel Prize.

At the moment u. a. the religious scholar Wendy Doniger , the theologian David Tracy , the psychologist and philosopher Jonathan Lear , the philosopher Robert B. Pippin , the classical philologist and literary scholar Glenn W. Most , the economist Robert Fogel , the science historian Lorraine Daston , the sociologist Hans Joas , the poet Adam Zagajewski , the philosopher Heinrich Meier and the art historian Andrei Pop are active on the committee.

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