Common Assessment Framework

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The Common Assessment Framework , CAF for short , is a common European quality assessment system for public sector organizations.

At the 1st European Quality Conference in Portugal in May 2000, the ministers responsible for the public service decided to introduce the so-called Common Assessment Framework (CAF) in all EU member states. This common European quality assessment system is a self-assessment tool for public sector organizations. It was developed under the auspices of the Directors General for Public Administration of the EU countries in order to advance the basic idea and principles of Total Quality Management ( TQM ) in the public sector. In the CAF, the essential contents of the quality model of the European Foundation for Quality Management ( EFQM model ) and the criteria of the 4th Speyer quality competition are brought together.

The self-assessment is carried out on the basis of nine given subject areas, which enable a holistic view of an organization. 5 subject areas relate to the "enablers" and 4 subject areas to the "results". CAF provides a standardized and easily manageable framework on the basis of which a strengths and weaknesses analysis can be carried out with relatively little effort.

The version was revised in 2006 and 2013 and made available to the public in the respective national version. The assessment of the nine subject areas and criteria was adapted even more closely to the PDCA cycle .

The German CAF network was founded in December 2001 and is an amalgamation of public sector administrations that are planning an organizational evaluation with the CAF instrument and thus an entry into quality management. Public administrations can apply for free access to the CAF network. It has been part of the Federal Administration Office since 2006 .

At the international, especially the European level, the European Institute for Public Administration EIPA is responsible for the dissemination and support of users.

The 9 subject areas of the CAF


1. Leadership 2. Personnel 3. Strategy and planning 4. Partnerships and resources 5. Processes


6. Customer / citizen-related results 7. Employee-related results 8. Social responsibility results 9. Most important performance results

Evaluation procedure within the CAF model

1. Individual evaluation

Each member of the organization receives a work sheet, which can be adjusted by the group (by mutual agreement). The organization is now assessed by each individual member. There are two important points to consider: a) The evaluation is based on a point system b) In addition, key terms, facts, strengths and weaknesses are notated in order to justify the point evaluation. This concludes the 1st evaluation round.

Evaluation by the moderator

Evaluation is carried out, for example, using a collective sheet or corresponding software. The individual values ​​are recorded.

2. Individual evaluation

Presentation of the results of the 1st individual assessment. The section expert adds data and facts from the operation. This is followed by a discussion of the data and facts, after which it is possible to correct the evaluation sheets from the 1st individual evaluation. The moderator then evaluates the adjusted / corrected sheets. At the same time, the result documentation and the process report are created.

Utilization of results

Communication of the results within the organization and analysis by the managers. Core results and the corresponding need for action are now worked out. An action plan is developed and implemented accordingly.

Check and repeat the assessment

The dynamics of the environment must be countered through control and repetition.

Seal of approval "Effective CAF user"

In order to appreciate the application of the CAF and to support the organizations in their efforts, from 2012 there will be the possibility of receiving external feedback. If it is determined in this process that an organization has applied CAF according to specified criteria and implemented improvement measures, it receives the seal of approval "Effective CAF user".


1. Recording the characteristics of public administrations 2. Tool to improve public administration performance 3. Ensuring comparability of results 4. Supporting benchmarking between public sector organizations 

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