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The Conjon was a measure of the fineness of yarn in the French East Indies . It was particularly widespread in the Pondichery region. The number of warp threads was used as a characteristic of the yarn count .

  • 1 conjon = 120 warp threads.
  • 1 cal (piece of linen ) = 2 conjon = 240 warp threads = 36 astames.

The Cal unbleached linen, also known as blue canvas, was the piece ⅞ astames wide and 14 astames long, about 910 mm by 14,594 mm


  • Association of scholars and practical merchants: trade lexicon or encyclopedia of all trade sciences for merchants and manufacturers. Volume 4, Ernst Schäfer, Leipzig 1849, p. 381
  • Christian Noback, Friedrich Eduard Noback: Complete paperback of the coin, measure and weight ratios, the government papers, the exchange and banking system and the customs of all countries and trading venues. Volume 2, FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1851, p. 964