Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire

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The German version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) is described as a screening instrument with a very broad content for recording psychological factors at work. Both stresses and strains and complaints are recorded. The German COPSOQ is available as a long version (30 scales and 141 items ) and as a standard version (screening instrument with 25 scales and 87 items).


The COPSOQ was developed in Denmark in 2000 as a screening instrument to record psychological stress and strain in the workplace and revised in 2005.


The questionnaire is presented as a quantitative method for the prevention of relationships, but it also contains elements of behavioral prevention due to the recording of stresses and complaints. One application is the creation of risk assessments in occupational health and safety of operations.

The authors placed particular emphasis on the cross-border comparability of the results obtained with the procedure. When using the COPSOQ in a cooperation model between science and practice (in writing or online), the results of the participating companies should be able to be compared with reference data specific to the occupation group in the central database, which should make the interpretation and derivation of measures much easier. In addition, internal sub-units (occupational groups, departments, etc.) should be able to be compared.

Quality criteria

The measuring quality of the instrument was tested in detail in a test study (N = 2561) based on EN ISO 10075-3 . The categories were objectivity, reliability, validity, generalizability, practicability, and acceptance.


  2. ^ Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health : COPSOQ, German standard version: Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire, German standard version