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La Collective de Prévoyance - COPRE

legal form Foundation, endowment
founding 1974
Seat Carouge , Switzerland
management Pierre E. Michel
( Managing Director )
Christina Rancic
( Foundation Council President)
sales 154 million CHF
Branch Pension funds

The Copré (officially La Collective de Prévoyance - COPRE ), based in Carouge, is a semi-autonomous Swiss pension fund for small and medium-sized companies . As a joint pension scheme, it insures the staff of its affiliated companies under the 2nd pillar .

The foundation was established in 1974 by the Schweizerische Volksbank as Columna, Fondation communautaire de prévoyance professionnelle in Geneva . In the course of the complete dissolution of the Swiss Volksbank into Credit Suisse , the pension foundation became independent in 1998 and renamed La Collective de Prévoyance - COPRE . It has since appeared on the market under the Copré brand . At the end of 2008, a total of 258 companies with 4,874 insured persons and 261 pension recipients were affiliated with it. The managed pension capital amounted to 310 million Swiss francs.

Legal bases

The legal basis is formed by the Federal Law on Occupational Old-Age, Survivors 'and Disability Pension Plans (BVG) , the Federal Law on Freedom of Movement in Occupational Old-Age, Survivors' and Disability Pension Plans and the associated ordinances. The various regulations of the Copré also count among the legal bases.


The highest body is the assembly of delegates made up of equal numbers of employer and employee representatives. This elects the six-person board of trustees , which is also composed of equal shares and exercises the ultimate management of the pension foundation . The day-to-day operations are carried out by the three-person management.

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