Cornalvo dam

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Cornalvo dam
Cornalvo dam with an upstream extraction tower
Cornalvo dam with an upstream extraction tower
Location: Badajoz Province in Extremadura ( Spain )
Tributaries: Albarregas
Drain: Albarregas → Guadiana
Cornalvo Dam (Extremadura)
Cornalvo dam
Coordinates 38 ° 59 '18 "  N , 6 ° 11' 28"  W Coordinates: 38 ° 59 '18 "  N , 6 ° 11' 28"  W.
Data on the structure
Lock type: Gravity dam
Construction time: 1st – 2nd Century AD
Height of the barrier structure : 28 m
Crown length: 194 m
Base width: 26 m

The Cornalvo Dam is a Roman gravity dam in the province of Badajoz in Extremadura ( Spain ) from the 1st or 2nd century AD. The earth dam with stone cladding on the water side is still in operation. Although there is an inscription on the building that refers to Augustan times , the building seems to be more recent. A different construction of the wall and the upstream extraction tower can also be seen.

See also


  • Miguel Arenillas, Juan C. Castillo: Dams from the Roman Era in Spain. Analysis of Design Forms. In: Santiago Huerta (ed.): Proceedings of the First International Congress on Construction History: Madrid, 20th – 24th January 2003. Instituto Juan de Herrera, Madrid 2003, ISBN 84-9728-070-9 .
  • Klaus Grewe: The dams of the Roman Mérida (Spain). In: The same: Masterpieces of ancient technology. Von Zabern, Mainz 2010, ISBN 978-3-8053-4239-1 , pp. 19-24.
  • A. Trevor Hodge: Roman Aqueducts & Water Supply. Duckworth Verlag, London 1992, pp. 89f., ISBN 0-7156-2194-7 .
  • Niklaus Schnitter: Roman dams. In: Ancient World . Vol. 8, No. 2 (1978), pp. 25-32 (29).
  • Norman Smith: A History of Dams. Peter Davies Verlag, London 1971, pp. 43f., ISBN 0-432-15090-0 .

Web links

Commons : Cornalvo Dam  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Arenillas & Castillo (2003).
  2. AE 1984, 00493 .