Crónica Mexicayotl

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The Crónica Mexicayotl is a work written in Aztec , parts of which come from different authors Indian authors. The work gives a historical overview of the Mexica or Aztecs from their departure from the mythical place Aztlán to the time of the Spanish conquest.

Content and author

The parts of the work can be assigned to at least three authors:

  • the first part, written by Alsonso Franco, tells the migration of the Mexica from Aztlan.
  • the second part, whose author is Hernando de Alvarado Tezozómoc , describes the further course of the migration and the settlement in Tenochtitlán .
  • the third part is a very detailed historical-genealogical presentation with special attention to the Aztec ruling house. Its author cannot be determined more precisely.
  • Domingo Franscisco Chimalpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin is responsible for two insertions.

Manuscript history

  • The work is preserved in the Chimalpahins manuscript. In a three-volume collective manuscript, the Crónica Mexicayotl includes folios 18 to 63. The manuscript came into the hands of the Mexican researcher Carlos Sigüenza y Góngora (1645–1700), from there to the Jesuit College of San Gregorio in Mexico City. The further path of the composite manuscript to its final location, the British and Foreign Bible Society , whose holdings are in Cambridge University , is not known.
  • A copy of this version was made by Lorenzo Boturini Benaducci (1698–1755), which has been lost.
  • This copy served as a template for another, which eventually came to today's Bibliothèque nationale de France with numerous other Mexican manuscripts . Photographs were taken of her on behalf of Mexico, which served as the basis for the first Spanish translation.

Editions and translations

  • Berthold giant Crónica Mexicayotl . St. Augustin, Academia Verlag 2004. ISBN 3-89665-271-0 (Aztec text and German translation with detailed introduction)
  • Arthur JO Anderson, Susan Schroeder: Codex Chimalpahin . 2 vols. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press 1997. ISBN 0-8061-2921-2 (Text and English translation of the Crónica Mexicayotl are in Volume 1, Pages 60-177)
  • Adrián León: Crónica mexicayotl . México, Imprenta Universitaria 1949 (text and literal and content Spanish translation)

See also